Environment and Natural resources
improved outcomes for people and nature
Our engagement with the human dimensions of environmental issues is inspired by living and working in places with great natural beauty and where people rely on natural resources for their livelihoods. JG provides data gathering and reporting for various projects relating to energy and environment such as drought and natural disaster, agroforestry, and issues of energy conservation. In order to provide such comprehensive reports, JG uses a mixed methods approach for both qualitative and quantitative data in order to think about the natural world as both impacting human activities and as being shaped by human decision-making.
Types of topics in environment and natural resources:
- Human implications of climate change mitigation activities
- Drought
- Soil health
- Amenity-based economies
- Energy efficiency
Specific environment and natural resource projects at JG:

Drought Vulnerability Assessment
JG staff worked with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) to lead the drought vulnerability assessment portion of the updated state Drought Management Plan. The applied novel quantitative techniques to characterize vulnerability across the state and across sectors, and included qualitative data to add nuance to the drivers of vulnerability and adaptive capacity by sector.
Deliverable: Montana Drought Management Plan
Client: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

Understanding Use and Efficacy of Energy Efficient Technologies
The JG team worked with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) on a study to document perceptions and challenges related to energy-efficient design and technologies in private residences. Interviews, observations, and surveys were conducted with contractors, installers, homeowners and other relevant market actors associated with the BridgerView subdivision. Photo credit to Headwaters Community Housing Trust.
Deliverable:Energy-Efficient Technology in Cold Weather – Bridger View On-Site Research
Client: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)

Monitoring Investments in Climate Change Adaptation
JG staff worked with the Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) program of the OneCGIAR on an issue brief to explore how monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of adaptation benefits can accelerate and increase transparency around private-sector investments in climate change adaptation. The brief found that consistent M&E metrics associated with adaptation benefits can decrease risk and increase reliable reporting of private-sector investments.
Deliverable: Monitoring and Evaluating Adaptation Investments
Client: OneCGIAR
Tags: Background Research and Evidence Review, Qualitative Methods