Diaz Solodukhin, L., MacDonald, M., Falkenstern, C., Lane, P. & Jones, K. (2025). No-cost/low-cost and OER impact on time-to-credential: An event history modeling study. Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education, 3(1), 130-148. DOI: 10.31274/joerhe.17772. Full text available here


Walker, C., Jones, K., Green, B., and Kim, F.L. (2024). Small area estimation using multilevel regression and poststratification to estimate cannabis use in the state of Montana. Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health, 19(2). Forthcoming.

Little, V., Hardy, C., Green, B., and Fuller, S. (2024). Addressing suicide risk: A study of dose response in collaborative care. JG Research and Evaluation, Concert Health, and the Bowman Family Foundation. DOI: 10.36855/CC2024.1 . Full report available here.

Hardy, C., Green, B., Little, V., and Vanderwood, K..(2024). Clinical variables associated with successful treatment of depression or anxiety in collaborative care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11414-024-09892-5

Walker, C., Little, V., Joyner, J., Fuller, S., and Green, B. (2024). Factors influencing virtual collaborative care outcomes for depression and anxiety. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 13(5): 1968-1974. DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1493_23. Full text available here.

Isbell, C., Tobin, D., Thiede, B.C., Jones, K., and Reynolds, T. (2024). The association between crop diversity and children’s dietary diversity: Multi-scalar and cross-national comparisons. Food Security, 16: 883-897. DOI: 10.1007/s12571-024-01458-9. Full text available here.

Isbell, C., Tobin, D., Jones, K., Mares, T.M. (2024). Seed commodification and contestation in US farmer seed systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 39: e26, 1–10. DOI: 10.1017/
S174217052400019X. Full text available here.


Green, B., Cao, Q., McCloskey, R., and Kim, F. (2023). Recovery support and capacity assessment using the Calculating an Adequate System Tool: Two case studies. Substance Use & Addiction Journal, 45(1). DOI: 10.1177/29767342231210384. Click here for full text.

Vanderwood, K., Joyner, J., and Little, V. (2023). The effectiveness of collaborative care delivered via telehealth in a pediatric primary care population. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1240902. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Kim, F., Hammond, G., and Hammond, J. (2023). Mapping the Gap: An Assessment of Capacity, Cost-Benefits, and Disparities in Utilization in Ohio Recovery Housing. Report prepared for Ohio Recovery Housing. Full report can be found here.

Isbell, C., Tobin, D., Jones, K., and Reynolds, T. (2023) Enhancing resilience through seed system plurality and diversity: Challenges and barriers to seed sourcing during (and in spite of) a global pandemic. Agriculture and Human Values, 40, 1399-1418. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-023-10456-0. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Parent, S., Ware, J., Hasson, A.L., McDonell, M., Nauts, T., Collins, M., Kim, F., and Rawson, R. (2023). Expanding access to treatment for stimulant use disorder in a frontier state: A qualitative study of contingency management and TRUST program implementation in Montana. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment,151. DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2023.209032. Click here for full text.

Berglund, E., Powell, S., Cox, G., and Green, B. (2023). Reaching Home: Missoula’s 10-year plan to end homelessness. Retrospective evaluation prepared for the City of Missoula by JG Research and Evaluation. Full report can be found here.

Vanderwood, K. and Berglund, E. (2023). An evaluation of the Montana Public Health Corps and Communities in Action in Eastern Montana. Evaluation report prepared for Richland County, MT by JG Research and Evaluation. Full report can be found here.

Halpern, B.S., Boettiger, C., Dietze, M.C., Gephart, J.A., Gonzalez, P., Grimm, N.B., …, Jones, K., … et al. (2023). Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere, 14(1): e4342. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4342. Click here for full text.


JG Research and Evaluation. (2022). Hi-Line Resource Guide. Report prepared for the Montana Primary Care Association (MPCA) and the Montana Hospital Association (MHA). Click here to download.

Isbell, C., Jones, K., Nowak, A., Rosenstock, T. (2022). Monitoring and evaluating adaptation investments Opportunities for the private sector. AICCRA Info Note. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA). https://hdl.handle.net/10568/126807.

Jones, K., Nowak, A., Rosentock, T. (2022). Theories of change for tracking climate change adaptation. A quick reference guide. AICCRA Report. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA). https://hdl.handle.net/10568/126808.

Jones, K., Nowak, A., Berglund, E., Grinnell, W., Temo, E., Paul, B., Renwock, L., Steward, P., Rosentock, T.S., and Kimaro, A. Evidence supports the potential for climate-smart agriculture in Tanzania. Global Food Security 36. DOI: 10.1016/j.gfs.2022.100666.

Jones, K. and Grinnell, W. (2022). Soil management in Montana: Motivations, challenges, needs, and opportunities. https://montanasoiloutreach.macdnet.org/.

Filteau, M., Green, B., Kim, F., and McBride, K. (2022). ‘It’s the same thing as giving them CPR training’: rural first responders’ perspectives on naloxone. Harm Reduction Journal. DOI: 10.1186/s12954-022-00688-4. Click here to download.

Vanderwood, K., Stonecipher, G., Myers, S., and Green, B. (2022). Feasibility study for mobile opioid treatment program
planning and service delivery considerations in Montana. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2022.2. Click here to download.

Filteau, M. and Green, B. (2022). An examination of certified behavioral health peer support specialist
experiences with providing care in Montana. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2022.1.

Cox, G. and Green, B. (2022). Lived experience in the Montana behavioral health crisis response system. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/Crisis.2022. Click here to download.

Woodhill, J., Kishore, A., Njuki, J., Jones, K., and Hasnain, S. (2022). Food systems and rural wellbeing: Challenges and opportunities. Food Security. DOI: 10.1007/s12571-021-01217-0. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. and Rosenstock, T. (2021). Can the Great Green Wall deliver more than trees? A rapid review of the potential multidimensional impacts of trees in the Sahel. CCAFS Info Note. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Click here for full text.

Jones, K., Nowak, A., and Rosentock, T. (2021). Accelerating understanding of resilient agriculture. Using a data sprint to catalyze new insights from existing evidence. CCAFS Info Note. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Click here for full text.

Filteau, M. R., Green, B., and Jones, K. (2021). Barriers to Community Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders among Rural Veterans. Journal of Veterans Studies, 7(3), 83–94. DOI: 10.21061/jvs.v7i3.262.

Craddock, H.A., Rjoub, Y., Jones, K., Lipchin, C., and Sapkota, A.R. (2021). Perceptions on the use of recycled water for produce irrigation and household tasks: A comparison between Israeli and Palestinian consumers. Journal of Environmental Management 297: 113234. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113234.

Filteau, M.R. and Green, B. (2021). State Opioid Response to the Opioid Crisis grant final evaluation. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2021.5. Click here for full text.

Filteau, M. R., Jones, K. and Green, B. (2021). Veterans access to medication for opioid use disorders in Montana. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2021.4. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Smith, K., Schmitt, A., Krane, K. (2021). The role of stigma in referrals for medication for opioid use disorder: Three case studies in Montana. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2021.3. Click here for full text.

Jones, K., Green, B., Loveland, K. and Stickel, T. (2021). Access to opioid use disorder treatment for pregnant and postpartum women: Challenges, barriers and opportunities in Montana. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2021.2. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. and Green, B. (2021). Understanding treatment approaches for stimulant use disorder in Montana. JG Research & Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2021.1. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Rhubart, D.C., Filteau, M.R. (2021). Barriers to implementing the Hub and Spoke model to expand medication for opioid use disorder: A case study of Montana. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment. DOI: 10.1177/11782218211039781. Click here to read.

Filteau, M.R., Kim, F.L., and Green, B. (2021). “It’s more than just a job to them”: A qualitative examination of patient and provider perspectives on medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder. Community Mental Health Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-021-00824-7. Click here to read.


Kim, F.L. and Green, B. (2020). Naloxone use by first responders in Montana. JG Research & Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2020.2. Click here for full text.

Kim, F.L., Green, B., and Loveland, K. (2020). Behavioral health treatment in local detention facilities in Montana. JG Research & Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/SOR2020.1. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Kim, F.L., and Dean, D., Jr. (2020). Substance use and treatment among youth experiencing homelessness: 1992-2017. Journal of Adolescent Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.04.019.

Shupp, R., Loveridge, S., Skidmore, M., Green, B., and Albrecht, D. (2020). Recognition and stigma of prescription drug abuse disorder: Personal and community determinants. BMC Public Health 20: art977. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09063-z. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. (2020). Zero Hunger, Zero Emissions: Land-Based Climate Change Mitigation, Food Security, and Equity. Report, Oxfam Research Backgrounder series. Available at: https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/research-publications/zero-hunger-zero-emissions/. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Jones, K., Lyerla, R., Dyar, W., and Skidmore, M. (2020). Influence of contact on stigma and behavioral health literacy for mental health and substance use disorder conditions. Journal of Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2020.1713998. Click here for full text.

Green, B., Geis, S., Bobnis, A., Piquero, N., Piquero, A., and Velasquez, E. (2020). Exploring identity-based crime and victimizations: Assessing threats and victim services among a sample of professionals. Deviant Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2020.1720938.

Green, B., Gies, S., Bobnis, A., Piquero, N., Piquero, A., and Velasquez, E. (2020). The role of victim services for individuals who have experienced serious identity-based crime. Victims & Offenders. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2020.1743804.

Green, B. and Filteau, M.R. (2019). State Targeted Response (STR) to the Opioid Crisis Grant Final Evaluation. DPHHS contract #19-332-74621-0. Addictive and Mental Disorders Division, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. DOI: 10.36855/STR2019. Click here for full text.

Alexander, S.A., Jones, K., et al. (2019). Enhancing conservation science, policy, and practice through qualitative data sharing: An agenda for progress. Nature Sustainability. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-019-0434-8. Read-only link: https://rdcu.be/bXAVs.

Tobin, D., Jones, K., and Thiede, B. (2019). Does crop diversity at the village level influence child nutrition security? Evidence from 13 sub-Saharan African countries. Population and Environment. DOI: 10.1007/s11111-019-00327-4.

Jones, K., Abrams, J., Belote, T., Beltrán, B., Brandt, J., Carter, N., Castro, A., Chaffin, B., Metcalf, A., Roesch-McNally, G., Waller, Kenny, and Williamson, M. (2019). What is the American West and why does it matter?: A social-ecological systems perspective on research and management. Environmental Research Letters: DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab4562. Click here for full text.

Keeley, A., Beier, P., Creech, T., Jones, K., Jongman, R., Stonecipher, G., and Tabor, G. (2019). Thirty years of connectivity conservation planning: an assessment of factors influencing plan implementation. Environmental Research Reviews: DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab3234. Click here for full text.

Muth, M., Birney, C., Cuéllar, A., Finn, S.M., Freeman, M., Galloway, J.N., Gee, I., Gephart, J., Jones, K., Low, L., Meyer, E., Read, Q., Smith, T., Weitz, K., and Zoubek, S. (2019). A systems approach to assessing environmental and economic effects of food loss and waste interventions. Science of the Total Environment 685(1): 1240-1254. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.230. Click here for full text.

Yung, L., Louder, E., Gallagher, L.A., Jones, K., and Wyborn, C. (2019). How methods for navigating uncertainty connect science and policy at the water-energy-food nexus. Frontiers in Environmental Science: DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00037. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. and Tobin, D. (2019). Reciprocity, redistribution and relational values: organizing and motivating sustainable agriculture. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 35: 69-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.11.001.

Green, B., Lyerla, ,R., Stroup, D., and Jones, K. (2018). Calculating an Adequate System Tool (CAST): CAST manual. JG Research and Evaluation. DOI: 10.36855/CAST.2. Click here for full text.

Green, B. and Jones, K.  (2018). Making communities health or making health communities? In Cnaan, R., and Milofsky, C. (eds.), The Handbook of Community Movement and Local Organizations in the 21st Century. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77416-9. Click here for full text.

Green, B. (2018). The role of housing in rural behavioral health. In D. Albrecth, S. Loveridge, S. Goetz & R. Welborn (eds.), Rural Housing and Economic Development. Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy. Routledge Press. DOI: 10.4324/9781315175287.

Filbee-Dexter, K., Symons, C., Jones, K., Haig, H., Pittman, J., Alexander, S.M., and Burke, M. (2018). Management capacity in the face of ecological surprise. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(5): 2135-2146. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13171.

Green, B. and Jones, K. (2018). Place and large landscape conservation along the Susquehanna River. Society & Natural Resources 31(2): 183-199. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2017.1364817.

Jones, K., Alexander, S.M., … et al. (2018). Qualitative data sharing and re-use for socio-environmental systems research: A synthesis of opportunities, challenges, resources and approaches. SESYNC White Paper. DOI: 10.13016/M2WH2DG59. Click here for full text.

Jones, K., Pfeifer, K. and Castillo, G. (2018). Trends in the global food system and their implications for institutional foodservice. In S.E. Thottathil and A.M. Goger (eds.), Institutions as Conscious Food Consumers: Leveraging Purchasing Power to Drive Systems Change (Chap. 2). Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/C2016-0-05105-7.

Metson, G., …, Jones, K.… et al. (2017). Socio-environmental consideration of phosphorus flows in the urban sanitation chain of contrasting cities. Regional Environmental Change 18(5): 1387-1401. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1257-7.

Jones, K. (2017). Social institutions mediating seed access in West African seed systems. Facets 2: 998-1014. DOI: 10.1139/facets-2017-0019. Click here for full text.

Jones, K., Tobin, D., and Bloom, J.D. (2017). Double movement in hybrid governance: Contestations in market-oriented agricultural development. Sociology of Development 3(2): 95-115. DOI: 10.1525/sod.2017.3.2.95.

Jones, K., Williams, R., and Gill, T. (2017). ‘If you study, the last thing you want to be is working under the sun:’ An analysis of perceptions of agricultural education and occupations in four countries. Agriculture and Human Values 34(1): 15-25. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-016-9685-4.

Green, B. (2017). Over 60 in the 406: A population health profile of older Montana residents. Report for the Office of Epidemiology and Scientific Support, Department of Public Health and Human Services, State of Montana. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. (2017). Using a theory of practice to clarify epistemological challenges in mixed methods research: An example of theorizing, modeling and mapping changing West African seed systems. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11(3): 355-373. DOI: 10.1177/1558689815614960.

Gill, T., Jones, K., and Hammett, T. (2016). Agricultural education and training system capacity development for sub-Saharan Africa: The role of InnovATE. Journal of Development and Communication Studies 4(2). DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v4i2.1. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. and Eshleman, J. (2016). Issues of inequality and governance in food sovereignty. In J. Liljeblad and A. Kennedy (eds.), Food Systems Governance: Challenges for Justice, Equality and Human Rights. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315674957.

Jones, K., Magliocca, N., and Hondula, K. (2016). An overview of conceptual models, analytical frameworks and research questions in the food-energy-water nexus. SESYNC white paper. DOI: 10.13016/M2BK10.

Green, B., Lyerla, R, Stroub, D, Azozefifa, A., and High, P. (2016). A tool for assessing capacity for community substance abuse care: CAST. Preventing Chronic Disease 13: 160190. DOI: 10.5888/pcd13.160190. Click here for full text.

Green, B. and Jones, K. (2016). Introduction to ‘Understandings of place: A multidisciplinary symposium.’ Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6(4): 740-742. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-015-0257-5. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. (2016). Hot: Stability and simplicity in dormancy and austerity. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6(4): 743-747. DOI: 0.1007/s13412-015-0258-4. Click here for full text.

2015 and earlier
Green, B., Jones, K., Milofsky, C., Boyd, N., and Martin, E. (2015). Students implement the Affordable Care Act: A model for undergraduate teaching and research in community health and sociology. Journal of Community Health 4(30): 605-611. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-014-9960-5. Click here for full text.

Glenna, L., Brandl, B., and Jones, K. (2015). Influences on and implications of changing investment in agricultural research in developed and developing countries. In A. Bonanno and L. Busch (eds.), Handbook of the International Political Economy of Agriculture and Food. (pp. 322-343). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781782548263.

Jones, K., Richter, K., and Ludgate, N. (2015). AET Assessment Report: Recommendations and strategies to modernize the capacity of agricultural education and training in Tajikistan. Assessment study for USAID/Tajik Ministry of Education, InnovATE program. Click here for full text.

Faull, K., Minderhout, D., Jones, K., and Green, B. (2015). Indigenous cultural landscapes study for the Captain John Smith National Historic Trail: the Lower Susquehanna area. Report for the National Park Service in cooperative agreement with Bucknell University. Click here for full text.

Jones, K. (2015). The ethics of innovation in agriculture. Knowledge for Development, Feature Article: Ethics. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). Click here for full text.

Milofsky, C. and Green, B. (2015). Chaining and virtual organization in a slow sociology project: The Brown Ridge School District becomes the Central Susquehanna Affordable Care Act project. Journal of Applied Social Sciences 9: 156-169. DOI: 10.1177/1936724414559388.

Green, B., Milofsky, C., Feldhaus, H. and Marsh, B. (2015). Teaching sociology and developing community assets through collaborative community-based research. In R. Stoecker (Ed.), The Landscape of Rural Service Learning, and What It Teaches Us All. Michigan State University Press.

Jones, K., Glenna, L., and Weltzien, E. (2014). Assessing participatory processes and outcomes in agricultural research for development from participants’ perspectives. Journal of Rural Studies, 35: 91-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.04.010.

Jones, K., Schnurr, M.A., Carr, E.R., and Moseley, W.G. (2014). Should I say or should I go? Incorporating a commitment to fieldwork throughout an academic career. African Geographical Review, 34(1): 55-68. DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2014.940986.