Raven Truxson
Research Analyst
Raven is a recent graduate from Bucknell University (May 2022) and a DC Posse Scholar (scholarship program). She graduated with a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Sociology on the pre-med track. While the world of public health is still very new to her, Raven has found a love for public health alongside being a biology major, which was heavily focused on the cellular and molecular sides of medicine. She took a variety of sociology courses ranging from “Society and Medicine” to a course called “Inside Out Prison ” at a local prison located in Coal Township, PA with a focus on public health/ health equity. It was in one of her sociology courses she was introduced to Brandn Green, and during the COVID-19 lockdown started an undergraduate research project focused on the effectiveness of a newly developed program in PA known as “Free2BMom” for pregnant women addicted to opiates. This project helped Raven realize that she wanted to learn more about what it takes to be a researcher within the public health field. Conducting public health research caught her attention as she worked with Brandn, and she is extremely excited that this door has been opened and to continue working in public health as part of the JG team. Raven is from PG County, MD and wants to pursue a career in medicine as a future Pediatrician.
Some things I love: Traveling, working out and art!